Institutional Distinctiveness

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The SC, ST & OBC Cell is dedicated to promoting the social welfare and educational advancement of students from Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST), and Other Backward Classes (OBC). This cell plays a crucial role in ensuring equal opportunities for these students by implementing various programs and initiatives aimed at their overall development without facing much problem regarding caste and scholarship. Through its comprehensive support and initiatives, the cell ensures that SC, ST, and OBC students have equal opportunities to succeed academically and socially.

The continued efforts of the cell are essential in fostering an inclusive and equitable educational environment. The cell facilitates the application process for various scholarships available to SC, ST, and OBC students. This includes helping students understand eligibility criteria, complete application forms, and submit necessary documents. By doing so, the cell ensures that students receive financial support to continue their education.

In addition to scholarships, the cell assists students in accessing other forms of financial aid and grants provided by the government and non-government organizations. This helps students cover expenses related to tuition fees, books, and other educational materials. The cell has a robust grievance redressal mechanism to address any discrimination or harassment faced by SC, ST, and OBC students. It ensures that students 'issues are resolved promptly and fairly, creating safe and inclusive environment.