The institution adheres to the academic schedule provided by the University in relation to it. It formulates its own academic timetable for all programs at the commencement of the academic year. This timetable includes the dates of examinations, both external and internal, a list of holidays, details of college events, schedules for departmental and committee meetings, as well as all other academic and extracurricular activities. The academic calendar aids faculty members in organizing their course delivery activities. Department heads oversee the timely completion of the syllabus, with syllabus completion for each Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) determined well in advance and followed by faculty members. Internal assessment tests, assignments, projects, management quizzes, workshops, and seminars constitute a significant portion of the CIE for students. The academic calendar is disseminated and showcased on the college Notice Board and website to keep faculty and students informed about planned activities throughout the year. The examination committee adheres to the implementation of the academic calendar before, during, and after examinations, contributing to the efficient and successful conduct of examinations. The Principal reviews the semester progress and gives suitable inputs and suggestions whenever required.